Casaletto Spartano is a town in the Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park located at 540 m a.s.l. .Casaletto Spartano and Battaglia are divided by the Rio di Casaletto waterway and connected to each other with some paths. The most representative place in Casaletto is undoubtedly "Il Capello". This location is part of a spring complex characterized by a high environmental value. The town takes its name from the "Capelli di Venere" waterfall, whose name derives from the luxuriant growth of the Capelvenere plant. Near the waterway there is also a well-preserved mill and an old ruin called "Sorgitore", which allows the diversion of the water from the source that originates from the Melette locality, so that part of the water feeds the mill and the rest go into the river.